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401K 403 and IRA's

401K, 403B, and Retirement Plans



Are you changing jobs, and not sure what to do with your 401K plan, Profit Sharing Plan, or Pension Plan balances?

Are you retiring, and not sure sure what to do with your 401K plan, Profit Sharing Plan, or Pension Plan balances?

Do you have an IRA or IRA Rollover account for which your investment choices might not be entirely appropriate?

New Individual IRA Accounts

We set up your own new IRA account, and make appropriate recommendations to you.

401K Profit Sharing and/or Pension Plan

We can help you set up your own company:
    401K Plan
    403B Plan
    Profit Sharing Plan
    Pension Plan


We focus on the needs of individuals and businesses in exactly the above situations.

Call Mr. Strickoff today (516-623-1800) for an appointment to review your situation, so that we can make purposeful recommendations suitable for you.

If you are considering rolling over money from an employer-sponsored plan, such as a 401(k) or 403(b), you may have the option of leaving the money in the current employer-sponsored plan or moving it into a new employer-sponsored plan. Benefits of leaving money in an employer-sponsored plan may include access to lower-cost institutional class shares; access to investment planning tools and other educational materials; the potential for penalty-free withdrawals starting at age 55; broader protection from creditors and legal judgments; and the ability to postpone required minimum distributions beyond age 72, under certain circumstances. This list of considerations is not exhaustive. Your decision whether or not to roll over your assets from an employer-sponsored plan into an IRA should be discussed with your financial advisor and your tax professional.